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2022 WBIA Report: China's puncture proof bicycle and e-bike market


China is the largest market for e-bikes in 2021. Again?

Total sales of bicycles and e-bikes in China was unchanged at exactly 43.5 million units in 2021. The exactness and consistency of units sales figures for the past three years suggests that these numbers are estimates or entirely inaccurate. Taken at face value, China is the largest e-bike market in the world with unit sales of 32.5 million in 2021 or 75 percent of total annual sales. This is plausible given the affordability of e-bikes relative to cars; increased congestion in urban areas, government incentives, improved infrastructure and rising awareness of environmental concerns. However, given the weak economic conditions that prevail in China today, unit sales are likely to be lower in coming years or are in fact already substantially lower than what has been provided to the WBIA. If they continue to be exact and unchanged, the report and WIBA will lose all credibility.

2021 Bicycle and E-Bike Sales: China

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